The Dominican House of Studies
Dual Degree Candidacy
Dual degree candidacy may include any combination of two of the three first cycle degrees currently offered by the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception

In order to maintain the integrity of each degree program, dual-degree candidates must complete the full requirements for each degree, including language examinations, comprehensive examinations, and theses for each program where applicable.
Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Theology
After one year of successful studies at the Pontifical Faculty, Master of Divinity (M.Div.) students may request admission to the Master of Arts (M.A.) degree program. M.Div. students who apply for dual degree status must meet the admission requirements for the M.A. degree and be approved by the Admissions Committee. Dual degree students must complete all requirements for each degree. Requirements for the M.Div., as outlined in the course catalog, are normally completed first, and the comprehensive examination is taken in the sixth semester of study. The specific M.A. requirements are normally completed by the end of the fourth year, and both degrees are awarded at that time.
Master of Divinity and Bachelor of Sacred Theology
After one year of successful studies at the Pontifical Faculty, ordination students who are pursuing the Master of Divinity (M.Div.) degree may request admission to the Bachelor of Sacred Theology (S.T.B.) degree program. M.Div. students who apply for dual degree status must meet the admission requirements for the S.T.B. degree and be approved by the Admissions Committee. Dual degree students must complete all requirements for each degree. Requirements for the S.T.B., as outlined in the course catalog, are normally completed first. The S.T.B. degree would then be awarded upon successful completion of the comprehensive examination (which would count for both degrees) at the end of the third year. The specific M.Div. requirements are normally completed by the end of the fourth year, and that degree is awarded at the end of the fourth year.
Master of Arts in Theology and Bachelor of Sacred Theology
After two semesters of successful studies at the Pontifical Faculty, students who are pursuing the M.A. degree may request admission to the S.T.B. degree. These students must fulfill the admission requirements to the S.T.B. degree and be approved by the Admissions Committee. Dual degree students must complete all requirements for each degree. The S.T.B. requirements, as outlined in the course catalog, are normally completed first, and the S.T.B. is awarded at the conclusion of the third year of study. The M.A. is awarded after the fourth year of study.

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