The Dominican House of Studies
Contributions to the Library
All our collections, services, and facilities are meant to foster serious and recollected study in the service of the Gospel. We gratefully accept donations to the library to help with its maintenance and growth.
Financial Donations
Our library holds approximately 60,000 volumes in its circulating collection, and some 2,700 titles in its specialized Reference, Dominican and Rare Books collections, in addition to receiving many of the best philosophical and theological scholarly journals. In our desire to have the finest resources available to our students and faculty, we continually seek new acquisitions.
support us
How you can give
Online Donations
Donate by Check
Donations by check may be made out to Dominican Theological Library. Our address is:
Dominican Theological Library
487 Michigan Ave., NE
Washington, DC 20017
Combined Federal Campaign
Please contact our librarian, Fr. John Martin Ruiz, O.P., about donations of books to the Dominican Theological Library.