The Opportunity
In times of crisis, great saints rise up. Today, our world is in need of well-formed, thoughtful, and bold preachers to challenge the destructive narratives of our times. Our response to this invitation to support the future of the Order will echo across generations.
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Responding to the
Great Crises of Our Time
Today, the world faces crises on all sides. The idea of truth itself is under siege. But in times of an abundance of sin, the Holy Spirit always offers an overabundance of grace.
The Dominican House of Studies has received an increasing number of young men, nurtured by Our Lady, who are committed to the mission of preaching the truth in charity.
Here, these student brothers will receive a holistic formation steeped in the wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas. They are prepared to re-enter the world with the zeal of St. Dominic, to preach the truth of the Gospel wherever they go.

A Responsibility to
Sow Truth
Located in our nation’s capital, the DHS recognizes the responsibility given to the Order of Preachers by Saint Dominic: “We must sow the seed, not hoard it.” The number of Dominican vocations continue to increase, and fervor for Dominican formation is growing in both the laity and religious. The DHS embraces the opportunity to respond to this growth. We are building, in prudence, a plan to educate and form more priests, student brothers, laity, and other religious.
It all starts at the DHS
When you donate to the Dominican House of Studies, your generosity supports...
Spiritual & Pastoral Formation
To strengthen the souls of the brothers for the great spiritual challenges of our age, and to encourage them to be pastors after Christ's own heart.
Rigorous Academic Curriculum
To bring the wisdom of Sacra Doctrina to hearts hungry for Eternal Truth.
Alumni Who Preach the Gospel
To bear witness to truth in parishes, at the Thomistic Institute, at colleges and universities across the globe, and in various media apostolates.

“There’s a crisis of truth in today’s world. It’s a full-on attack that truth even exists. Yet, people are still aching to hear truth. At the Dominican House of Studies, we’re forming the next generation of Dominican student brothers in record numbers.
We believe the Lord has given us a unique place in the Church today and that He is calling to us to continue our mission faithfully to form more Dominican and lay leaders to preach and teach the Truth of Christ to a world in desperate need.”
– Father Thomas Petri, O.P.
Vision for the Future
For the last 20 years, the Province of Saint Joseph has welcomed more than 100 new vocations into the Order. The DHS has played an integral role in the formation and education of these young men.
Investing in future leaders of the Dominican Order starts with an investment in their studies and formation.
Today the Province of St. Joseph raises money to help cover the cost of tuition, but this isn’t enough: tuition alone does not cover costs. The Dominican House of Studies needs your support for the complete formation of the next generation of Dominican Friars.
Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception at the Dominican House of Studies (Tax ID number: 53-6016922), located at 487 Michigan Avenue Northeast, Washington, D.C. 20017
"No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all peoples."
Pope Saint John Paul II
We Need Your Support
As the number of students grow, the Dominican House of Studies is ready to answer God's call, preparing the next generation to spread the joy of the Gospel. But we can't do it alone.