The Dominican House of Studies
Admissions Information
Our faculty offers a rigorous theological education, always teaching our students to receive and interpret the Word of God within the scope of the theological tradition of Saint Thomas Aquinas and to preach in the power of the Spirit to turn hearts and minds to God.
Spiritual Life
At the Dominican House of Studies
The spiritual life of the PFIC is very connected to the community life of the Dominican friars, with the liturgical life of the chapel of the Priory of the Immaculate Conception having a central place. This liturgical life is comprised of the daily celebration of the Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours as well as the recitation of the rosary, all of which is open to the public, according to the schedule found at the priory website.
Student Life
For the Dominican students, the spiritual formation is integrated with the academic and pastoral formation of the PFIC as well as the community life of the Priory. This integrated formation for the residential Dominican students is a constitutive part of the mission of the institution. Because of the importance of the integration of the academic and spiritual life for all of its students, the PFIC also offers support for the spiritual lives of its nonresidential students, both religious and lay.
This support is coordinated by the Chaplain to Commuter Students, Fr. John Chrysostom Kozlowski, O.P. In addition to the liturgical life of the Dominican community, special opportunities are offered for Eucharistic adoration, a weekly Mass during Lent, talks by the chaplain, spiritual direction, and confession. The chaplain also keeps commuter students informed about events of the Dominican community in which they can participate.
This integration of the academic and spiritual life is important to the mission of the PFIC, especially in light of the Dominican charism of preaching the truth for the salvation of souls. This integration is also valued highly by the students, as one lay student writes, “One of the great benefits of studying theology at the PFIC is doing it alongside brothers in consecrated religious life. The presence of the brothers lends something which simply could not exist otherwise. I am surrounded by individuals who have invested their very being to the God whom we are all striving to know and love better.”
for students
Explore Life at the Dominican House of Studies
Our faculty offers a rigorous theological education, always teaching our students to receive and interpret the Word of God within the scope of the theological tradition of Saint Thomas Aquinas and to preach in the power of the Spirit to turn hearts and minds to God.