The Dominican House of Studies
Library Resources
All faculty, students, and staff of the PFIC and residents of the Dominican House of Studies (DHS) have visiting and borrowing privileges.
Search the library’s collections through the Discovery Catalog.
Online Journals
For a list of all journals to which the library has digital access, click here to view our A-to-Z Journals List.
Online Databases
Items marked with an asterisk (*) may be accessed remotely by DHS students, faculty, and residents through our proxy server.
- ATLA Religion Database with ATLASerials PLUS * (watch a tutorial on how to use this database here)
- JSTOR Religion & Theology Collection* – The library has also arranged for access to the Arts & Sciences, Life Sciences, Lives of Literature, Business IV, Hebrew Journals, Ireland and other collections.
- Philosophy Documentation Center *
- Library of Latin Texts
- Atla Digital Library (Please note: The Atla Digital Library contains digitized collections from institutions around the world that are intended “for noncommercial educational and research purposes.” Users “have the responsibility to independently determine the copyright status” of any items on the platform before using them “in excess of exceptions under copyright or other law.” See the platform’s Copyright Statement for more information.)
- Past Masters Collections – including:
- The Works of St. Augustine
- Chinese Classics I: Philosophy
- Petrus Lombardus: Sententiarum libri IV
- The Works of Niccolò Machiavelli
- The Complete Works of Michel de Montaigne
- The Complete Works of Montesquieu
- The Enneads of Plotinus
- The Presocratic Writings
- Francisco Suarez, Opera Omnia
- Giambattista Vico: Opere
- The Collected Works and Correspondence of Chauncey Wright
- Estudios Filosoficos
Also available for library use at the computer workstations: BibleWorks 10
Other Online Resources
These resources provide public access to some or all of the items in their collections.
- Directory of Open Access Books
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Google Books
- Google Scholar
- Hathi Trust
- Open Access Publishing in European Networks
- OpenEdition
- Open Research Library
- Open access content on JSTOR and Project Muse
- PhilPapers: Online Research in Philosophy
- Project Gutenberg
- Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht eLibrary
- Patrons may also check to see a list of libraries worldwide that hold a particular item.
Book Suggestion Form:
Please fill out this form to make your suggestion.
The Dominican Theological Library
At the Dominican House of Studies
All our collections, services, and facilities are meant to foster serious and recollected study in the service of the Gospel.
It all starts at the DHS!
Investing in future leaders of the Dominican Order starts with an investment in their studies and formation.