Rev. Andrew Hofer, O.P. - Dominican House of Studies

Rev. Andrew Hofer, O.P.

Ordinary Professor of Patristics and Ancient Languages | Direc. of the Doctoral Program

B.A., Benedictine College
M. Litt., University of St. Andrews (Scotland)
M.Div./S.T.B., Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception
S.T.L., Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception
Ph.D., University of Notre Dame


Fr. Andrew Hofer, O.P. grew up as the youngest of ten children on a Kansas farm. He entered the Dominican Province of St. Joseph in 1995 and professed simple vows the following year. He made his profession of solemn vows in the Great Jubilee Year of 2000, and was ordained a deacon in 2001 and a priest in 2002.

His assignments have included serving as a parochial vicar in Rhode Island, a missionary in Kenya, a doctoral student at the University of Notre Dame, a formator at the Dominican House of Studies, a member of the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception, and a formator at St. Dominic Priory in Washington. Since the fall of 2021, he has been the editor of the journal The Thomist, for which he previously was book review editor.


Select Publications

Books Authored

The Power of Patristic Preaching: The Word in Our Flesh. Foreword by Paul M. Blowers. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2023. Selected Reviews: Shokhikyan, Irish Theological Quarterly 89 (2024):232-236; Cardo, Antiphon 28 (2024): 129-131; Johnson, Homiletic and Pastoral Review online March 2024; Mirus, Catholic Culture online, August 18, 2023.

A Living Sacrifice: Guidance for Men Discerning Religious Life, co-authored with Benedict Croell, O.P. Foreword by Abbot Primate Gregory J. Polan, O.S.B. Valdosta, GA: Vianney Vocations, 2019. Select reviews and interviews: Catholic World Report, June 3, 2019 (online); Religious Life: A Publication of the Institute on Religious Life, July/August 2019, 20–21; Enneking, O.S.C., Horizon: Journal of the National Religious Vocation Conference, Fall 2019, 27–28; Calvano, O.P., Dominicana 62 (2019): 70 73; Parry, O.Praem., Catholic Herald, July 28, 2019 (online); Wurtz, C.S.C., Review for Religious 1 (2021): 126–27.

Życie ofiarowane: Poradnik dla mężczyzn rozeznających powołanie zakonne. Polish translation of A Living Sacrifice by Krzysztof Popławski, O.P., edited by Michał Golubiewski, O.P. Poznań, Poland: W Drodze, forthcoming in 2022.

Christ in the Life and Teaching of Gregory of Nazianzus. Oxford Early Christian Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. Reviews: Batllo, Revue Thomiste 113 (2013): 662–63; Ludlow, Irish Theological Quarterly 79 (2014): 281–83; Silvas, Theological Studies 75 (2014): 670–72; Wickham, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 65 (2014): 876–78; Smith, Journal of Early Christian Studies 22 (2014): 594–96; Maraval, Revue d’histoire ecclésiastique 109 (2014): 1153–54; Gkortsilas, Scottish Journal of Theology 69 (2016): 226–27; Fulford, Journal of Theological Studies 67 (2016): 315–18; Ayres, The Thomist 80 (2016): 314–17; Harris, Vigiliae Christianae 70 (2016): 591–95; Litke, Angelicum 94 (2017): 241–45; Clarke, Nova et Vetera (Eng.) 18 (2020): 1403–07.

Books Edited

The Pastoral Theology of the Early Church, co-edited with Andrew Summerson and Austin Litke, O.P. Sixteen chapters by scholars. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, under contract. Plans to submit in 2024.

The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s Sermons. Sixteen chapters by scholars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, submitted and will be published by early 2025.

The Oxford Handbook of Deification, co-edited with Paul L. Gavrilyuk and Matthew Levering. Forty-four chapters by scholars. Oxford: Oxford University Press, submitted and will be published summer 2024.

Thomas Aquinas as Spiritual Teacher, co-edited with Michael Dauphinais and Roger Nutt. Festschrift for Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, O.P. Foreword by Luis F. Cardinal Ladaria, S.J., and thirteen chapters by scholars. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, in preparation for publication in 2023.

Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology, co-edited with Michael Dauphinais and Roger Nutt. Foreword by Archbishop J. Augustine Di Noia, O.P., and sixteen chapters by scholars. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2021. Review: Prado, The Incarnate Word 9 (2022): 177-81.

Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers, co-edited with Michael Dauphinais and Roger Nutt. Foreword by Matthew Levering and twelve chapters by scholars. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2019. Reviews: Weinandy, Journal of Theological Studies 71 (2020): 936–38; Saward, New Blackfriars 102 (2021): 143–45; Kromholtz, Theologische Revue 117 (January 2021): 1–3; Torrance, The Thomist 85 (2021): 154–59; Russell, Heythrop Journal (2021): 1116-17.

Divinization: Becoming Icons of Christ through the Liturgy. Foreword by Matthew Levering and five chapters by scholars. Chicago: Hillenbrand Books, 2015. Review: Ortiz, “Divinization, Liturgy, and Evangelization,” Catholic World Report, July 8, 2015.

Journal Articles

“Thomas von Aquins Rezeption der Kirchenväter wiederentdecken,” translated by
Rafael M. Klose, O.P., Wort und Antwort 65 (2024): 25–31.

“Reordering Thomistic Josephology: Sanctifying Grace in Christ, Saint Joseph, and Us,” co-authored with Jonah Teller, O.P., Nova et Vetera (Eng) 20 (2022): 77–99.

“St. Thomas Aquinas on St. Benedict,” American Benedictine Review 71 (2020): 410–34.

“Humbert of Romans on the Papacy before Lyons II (1274): A Study in Comparison with Thomas Aquinas and Pope Gregory X’s Extractiones,” The Thomist 84 (2020): 51–102.

“The Beginning and the End, as well as the Stations along the Way,” (Book symposium essay for Brian E. Daley, S.J., God Visible: Patristic Christology Reconsidered) Pro Ecclesia 28 (2019): 335–42.

“Retracing the ‘Art of Arts and Science of Sciences’ from Gregory the Great to Philo of Alexandria,” co-authored with Alan Piper, O.P., Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (2018): 507–26.

Contributions to Volumes

“Cyril of Alexandria,” for The Oxford Handbook of Deification, edited by Paul L. Gavrilyuk, Andrew Hofer, O.P., and Matthew Levering, submitted.

“God: Fourth Century,” entry of 6,000 words for The Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, edited by David G. Hunter et al., submitted.

“Augustinus Afer: Preaching in Service to Reconciliation, Justice, and Peace,” for Africae Munus: Ten Years Later, edited by Maurice Ashley Agbaw-Ebai and Matthew Levering, submitted for review for publication.

“Thomas Aquinas’s Use of Canon Law in the Mendicant Controversies,” for Thomas Aquinas and Canon Law, edited by Justin Anderson and Atria Larson, submitted for review by Brepols in its Disputatio series.

“God in Saint Augustine’s Confessions,” in Saint Augustine: The Confessions, edited by David Vincent Meconi, S.J., Ignatius Critical Editions, 2d ed. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, submitted for review for publication.

“Frequent Communion for the Greater Glory of God: Thomas Aquinas and Ignatius of Loyola,” for Ignatius of Loyola and Thomas Aquinas, edited by Justin Anderson, Matthew Levering, and Aaron Pidel, S.J. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, submitted and forthcoming.

“Book 6: Augustine’s Anxiety and Ours,” in Augustine’s Confessions and Contemporary Concerns, edited by David V. Meconi, S.J. Saint Paul, MN: Saint Paul Seminary Press, 2022. Pp. 106–24.

“Augustine’s Mixture Christology,” in Studia Patristica, vol. 112: Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford (2019), edited by Markus Vinzent, vol. 9: Fourth-Century Christology in Context: A Reconsideration, edited by Miguel Brugarolas. Leuven: Peeters, 2021. Pp.103–25.

“Introduction: Thomas Aquinas on Christ’s Judgment of Teachers of the Faith,” in Thomas Aquinas and the Crisis of Christology, edited by Dauphinais, Hofer, and Nutt. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2021. Pp. 1–29.

“Aquinas’s Use of Patristic Sources in His Theology of Religious Life,” in Reading the Church Fathers with Thomas Aquinas, edited by Piotr Roszak and Jörgen Vijgen, Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Sciences Religieuses 189. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021. Pp. 295–338.

“Book 19. The Ends of the Two Cities: Augustine’s Appeal for Peace,” in The Cambridge Companion to Augustine’s City of God, edited by David V. Meconi, S.J.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 228–50.

Foreword to Gregory Hrynkiw, Cajetan on Sacred Doctrine. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2020. Pp. ix–xvi.

“Scripture in the Christological Controversies.” In The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Biblical Interpretation, edited by Paul Blowers and Peter Martens. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. 455–72.

“Conclusion: Reading Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers Together for the Renewal of Theology,” in Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers, edited by Dauphinais, Hofer, and Nutt. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2019. Pp. 303–30.

“Augustine, Aquinas, Thérèse, and the Mysticism of Mother Teresa’s Five-Finger Gospel.” In Mother Teresa and the Mystics: Toward a Renewal of Spiritual Theology, edited by Michael Dauphinais, Brian Kolodiejchuk, M.C., and Roger Nutt. Ave Maria, FL: Sapientia Press, 2018. Pp. 79–101.


Contact Fr. Andrew Hofer, OP