Rev. John Baptist Ku, O.P. - Dominican House of Studies

Rev. John Baptist Ku, O.P.

Associate Professor of Dogmatic Theology

B.S., University of Virginia
M.Div./S.T.B., Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception
S.T.L., Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception
S.T.D., University of Fribourg, Switzerland


Fr. John Baptist Ku was born in Manhattan (1965) and grew up in Fairfax, Virginia. After graduating from the University of Virginia, he worked at AT&T for five years before entering the Dominican Order in 1992.

After serving for three years in St. Pius V Parish in Providence, Rhode Island, he completed his doctoral studies in dogmatic theology at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland and began teaching for the Pontifical Faculty of the Immaculate Conception in 2008.


Select Publications

Articles & Book Chapters

“The Innascible Father and Spirator,” a chapter in The Doctrine of the Trinity (under contract with InterVarsity Press, due in 12/1/22).

“The Fittingness of Mary’s Perpetual Virginity during Birth.” In process, to be submitted to The Thomist.

“To Whom Do We Pray the Our Father?” In process, to be submitted to The Thomist.

“Hallowed Be Thy Name.” In process, to be submitted to The Thomist.

A Commentary on Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae I, qq. 2-43 (under review at CUA Press).

Review of Adonis Vidu’s The Same God Who Works All Things: Inseparable Operations in Trinitarian Theology in The Thomist (in process, due 4/7/22).

“Divine Spiration in the Theology of Ss. Gregory Nazianzen and Thomas Aquinas” (to be revised and resubmitted to The Thomist).

“St. Thomas Aquinas’s Appeal to St. John the Baptist as a Benchmark of Spiritual Merit,” Nova et Vetera (forthcoming).

“Divine Innascibility in the Theology of Ss. Gregory Nazianzen and Thomas Aquinas,” The Thomist 85 (January, 2021): 57-85.

Review of Matthew Levering’s Engaging the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit: Love and Gift in the Trinity and the Church in Nova et Vetera 18 (2020): 313-321.

“Divine Paternity in the Theology of Ss. Gregory Nazianzen and Thomas Aquinas” in Thomas Aquinas and the Greek Fathers, edited by Michael Dauphinais, Andrew Hofer, and Roger Nutt, Sapientia Press, Naples, FL (June 2019): 110-129.

Review of Michael Chaberek’s Catholicism and Evolution: A History from Darwin to Pope Francis in The Thomist 81 (July 2017): 453-458.

Review of Matthew Levering and Michael Dauphinais’ Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas in The Thomist 79 (October 2015): 650-657.

“Evolution and Scripture,” six short essays in the BioLogos Series on “Evolution & Christian
Faith” (see “Grants” below), July 2015: 81-126.

“Thomas Aquinas’ Careful Deployment of auctor and auctoritas in Trinitarian Theology,” Angelicum 90, fasc. 4 (2013): 677-710 [in fact published in 2015].

Meditation on St. Martin of Tours, Magnificat, November 2014.

God the Father in the Theology of St. Thomas Aquinas, Peter Lang Publishing (December 2012).

“The Name ‘Father,’” Nova et Vetera 9 (Spring, 2011): 433-478.

Review of Emmanuel Durand’s Le Père, Alpha et Omega de la Vie Trinitaire, The Thomist 74 (July 2010): 476-481.

“Christ, Lord and Savior,” Knights of Columbus’ Veritas Series, October 2002.

“Inclusive Language in the New Lectionary,” This Rock, June 1999.

“The Abolition of ‘Man,’” This Rock, May 1999.


Contact Fr. John Baptist Ku, OP