Rev. Nicholas Blackwell, O. Carm. - Dominican House of Studies

Rev. Nicholas Blackwell, O. Carm.

Adjunct Instructor in Canon Law

B.S., Northern Michigan University
M.Div/S.T.B., The Catholic University of America
J.C.L., The Catholic University of America


A native of small town Mayville, MI, Fr. Nicholas Dustin Blackwell, O. Carm. entered formation for the St. Elias Province of the Carmelite Order in January 2010. He made his solemn vows in August 2016 and was ordained a priest in 2017. During formation, he earned an STB and MDiv. from CUA in December 2016. He earned his Licentiate in Canon Law (JCL) in August 2023. He is currently studying for a Doctorate in Canon Law (JCD), and his dissertation topic is The Status of Incardination of a Cleric Dismissed from His Religious Institute. He works as a canonical advisor for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he provides canonical assistance and guidance to all bishops in the USA. Fr. Nicholas supplies as a priest at Joint Andrews Airforce Base to support the work of the Archdiocese for Military Service while he resides in DC.